Hi Jill,
It all depends what you've tried a where. Are you talking about our promotional flash widget
https://icraftgifts.com/widget/builder.php ? And is your site your personal site or a blog on Wordpress or Blogger?
I couldn't follow a link to your site from your profile, as it's broken.
If you are trying to add our lash widget to Wordpress, you might have a problem. We are still testing this widget on multiple sites and finding some difficulties with integration on site blogging sites and on Facebook.
Not all of those services let you post flash code. Sometimes they rewrite parts of our code or strip it out completely, so the widget doesn't work properly. We've been improving it for the past few weeks, but still need some time to iron out all the problems.
Please provide me with more details on what exactly you are trying to do and I'll try to help you. Have a nice day!