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New Sale - Need Help!


Posts: 64

« on: December 19, 2019, 04:31:09 pm »

I received notification of a store sale on 12-17-19. On my sales page it shows the method of payment as PayPal and the payment status has a drop down menu in which I need to select "Paid", "Not Paid", and/or "Refunded." I've checked my PayPal account. Neither the payment nor the buyer shows up on my PayPal activity page. The last activity on my PayPal account was in October. I had the same issue with the first in my store. Why are my icraft orders coming through as paid when the buyer is paying for the order with PayPal? Is there a setting or something else I need to do on my end? I want to ship this order within the 3 day requirement set by iCraft, however, I cannot ship the order until it is paid. Help!!! Blessings ~ Rita"
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2019, 12:33:25 am »

Hi Rita, please don't ship any products until you receive payment in your PayPal account.
It shows the person didn't pay yet. I'd suggest you follow up with the buyer by email to see if they had any issues with paying on PayPal. You can see their contact info on the order details page. Thanks!
Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2019, 11:49:52 am »

I  have had the same issue. I sent a message back to the buyer with an inquiry and also restated that I don't ship until payment has cleared. Been a few days and nothing - no response and no payment.

Debating how long to wait before cancelling the order (if I can - haven't even checked if that's a option yet. Is it?)

Posts: 64

« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2019, 02:35:09 pm »


Thank you for your help! The order will not ship today, which is the 3rd day in the iCraft requirement for filling customer orders. I hope this is not held against me. The funds have not yet showed up in my PayPal account as of 2:30 PM Eastern Time. I did send an email to the customer last evening; haven't received a reply. Will contact her again to ask if she had any issues with paying on PayPal.

Fairy Cardmaker asks a great question!! Is a seller able to cancel an order when no order payment is received and seller has contacted buyer, but hasn't received any reply? If the answer is yes, does iCraft recommend a timeframe in which to cancel an order for nonpayment? Thanks!

Posts: 64

« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2019, 03:01:18 pm »

Have sent customer another email asking if she had issues when paying for her order with PayPal. Waiting for her reply....
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2019, 12:34:40 pm »

Yes, I there is an option to cancel an order and relist your item for sale again. I think it's reasonable to do after a few days if your email reminder wasn't answered.
No, we don't hold that against you if you couldn't ship your order within 3 days, especially if there was no payment.

Unfortunately, this happens, when people go through the checkout process and then don't pay.
We were debating if we should email sellers about this type of orders or not. We decided to still let you know about them and give you a chance to follow up with your potential buyer. What do you think?

Posts: 64

« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2019, 07:24:34 pm »

Still no payment or email reply yet from customer.

Am glad to know there is an option to cancel order and relist item again for sale. Will wait until 12-31-19 to cancel and relist, gives customer a full 2 weeks to make payment and/or reply to my emails. I'd think this would be a more than reasonable time frame.

Thank you for not holding it against me (and other sellers who may encounter this situation) for not shipping customer order within 3 days when customer hasn't paid for order.

I understand this can happen at checkout, but is there any way to add a safeguard to your software to prevent customer from leaving site without paying for order? I'm thinking maybe a prompt or flashing icon that would alert customer their order must be paid for before seller can process order. That might be a bit extreme, but it's only a suggestion.

I would appreciate receiving an email about this type of nonpayment order. I have no problem following up with customer. I'll offer a suggestion that could be included in the email sent to sellers with "Here’s your iCraftGifts.com Order Summary:" and the subject line: "You have a new sale on iCraftGifts.com from Anonymous14726!" If the customer left site without paying for order, does payment method in the summary automatically say "PayPal" since this is the only form of payment method iCraft accepts at this time? If this is the case and admin knows an order hasn't been paid for before sending the email order notification to sellers, it'd be helpful for sellers if Admin could include an "ADMIN COMMENTS" in any order notification email sellers receive, placing it directly beneath the order date, in bold red with enlarged font. The message to follow the : would read UNPAID ORDER - FOLLOW UP WITH CUSTOMER. If order is paid for, then nothing would follow the : . 

If something like my inclusion suggestion above could be inserted in email order notifications sent to sellers, it'd be a huge help for sellers in 3 ways: 1) Gives sellers a heads up that there's an issue to be resolved with that particular order, 2) The extra heads up from iCraft Admin would let sellers know that iCraft Admin cares about its sellers, which in turn reinforces for sellers that iCraft is The Handmade Only Marketplace where You [sellers] are a Big Deal and 3)The heads up in advance would save sellers the time of trying to figure out if they've done something wrong when setting up their store and/or posting in the community forum.

Just the thoughts that came to mind....
Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2019, 11:49:41 am »

Is there a link or set of instructions we can provide in our follow up email to take them back to their cart to complete payment?
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2020, 05:23:49 pm »

Hi Fairy Cardmaker,

We usually send your customers a link to a PayPal payment page. They can also find unpaid order if they log in into their account.
We can certainly add a Help page with those instructions, so you could share it with your customers. Thanks for the suggestion!
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2020, 05:25:43 pm »

I like your idea about adding "Unpaid Order" to email titles too. We'll try to add this soon. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your suggestion!

Posts: 64

« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2020, 03:39:40 pm »

Thank you! "Unpaid Order" in Email Titles would be of great help! I cancelled the order; never paid for and didn't receive any response from buyer. However, I did leave feedback on buyer when I cancelled order, but am thinking I'm the only one who can see the feedback since order was cancelled for nonpayment. Blessings ~ Rita
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2020, 05:26:44 pm »

Hi Rita,
I believe if this buyer buys again, seller will be able to see all feedback left on them, including for unpaid orders, but I’ll have to check to confirm it. Thanks!
Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2020, 02:10:37 pm »

I cancelled mine too.
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