As you know, we have a
Widget Builder page that allows people to create widgets to promote products posted on iCraft on their own sites and blogs. You can use our widget to promote your own products, products of other sellers that you know and appreciate, or even products from specific iCraft product categories, like Jewelry, Knitted Hats etc.
Recently, we've added a page under "My Account" to display
Stats for Promo Widgets. So if you or anyone else created widgets linking to your products, you'll be able to see
how many clicks your pages get from those external sites.
In order for you to start receiving real-time stats from those widgets, we'd like to ask those that already have our widgets embedded on their sites to re-create them again and post the new code to their pages. In addition to seeing stats, you'll also benefit from the improvements to the widget code itself, like faster loading, ability to add more than 1 widget to the same page etc. Another reason for updating your existing widgets is that
we will stop supporting old code soon.
Please let us know if you tried our new widget functionality and if you have any questions. Thanks!