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Adding "My iCraft" App to your Facebook Page

iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« on: June 20, 2011, 02:28:26 am »

Hello iCrafters!

We just released our Facebook application that allows Sellers on iCraft to pull their products from their iCraft stores right into their Facebook pages. We'll be tweaking this application over time and later will add the ability for anyone to create pages with any combination of iCraft products, e.g. Jewelry from Canada, Easter Gifts, Baby Hats, My Favourites etc., so not only Sellers, but also iCraft Buyers could use "My iCraft" App... but for now, we are asking people to start using our new app and let us know how it works for you.

So here are the steps for adding our app to your Facebook pages, starting with the creation of Facebook account. If you have one already, skip right to "Turning your page into a Facebook Business Page" or to "Loading the iCraft App", if you know how to add a Facebook pages.

Get a Facebook Account

If you have never been to Facebook before, well, you are one of the few people on the planet who hasn’t. Not to worry; it is not a daunting experience. Registration is simple, straightforward, FREE and open to everyone.
If you don’t have a Facebook account, here are some instructions for setting one up (if you have one and want to use it as your store site? Skip on through the next section).

First, go to www.facebook.com.
On the front page is a Sign Up sheet for you to fill out. You may want to use a name that is the same or similar to the name of your store on iCraft. In the example below, I have used first name: Katy and last name: iCraft, just as a demonstration. Fill in the name, main email address (make sure it is “live’) and create a password that is easy for you to remember but hard for others to crack. Then put in your sex and date of birth.

Once you hit the Sign Up button you will have to enter a security captcha – just to prove you are a live person.

Now, the next couple steps will ask you to load in your mailbox, Yahoo or Hotmail friends list, followed by your school background. You do NOT need to do that; Facebook is very focused on getting you connected to everyone you have ever known and this is evident even when you are setting up an account. You can hit the “Skip” link (which is usually very small, but located near the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

It will ask you to upload a picture. You can do that right away – and we suggest loading up your iCraft store’s logo (if you have one) – or you can wait until your Facebook page set up is complete.

By the way, Facebook will send you an email asking you to confirm your account setup - Don't forget to do this!
You can now fill in your Profile page with more information. Only provide the information you are comfortable with being public. As we mentioned, most of what Facebook does is try and connect you with old friends. If that is not what you want your store page to do, just skip those fields. You can always fill this out later – and you can edit it later as well.

Did you confirm your email address by clicking the registration link Facebook sent to your inbox? Make sure you do this now.

Turning your page into a Facebook Business Page

Now it is time to turn your “personal” page into a business page. Facebook does not like commercial entities or businesses maintaining "personal" profiles. You can still put the iCraft app on your personal profile but it is better to start a page for your business.

Go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php to create your page.

You can set up as a ‘Local business’ or as a ‘Brand or product’ it is up to you. For this demo, we will be a Brand.

You will have to accept the Facebook Pages Terms. Read them over first to make sure you are okay with them.
Once you accept them, you will have another security captcha to fill in. Once that is done, you will be moved to your new business page.

Loading the iCraft App

It is now time to load up the iCraft Facebook app! Go to: http://apps.facebook.com/icraftca and click on the ‘Add to my page” button.

You will be asked if you give permission for the App to connect to your page, and all of the information that you loaded up on your page. If you are okay with this – and you have to accept to get the app – please select “Allow”.

Just to be extra, extra certain, Facebook may ask you again if you are okay with sharing your information with the iCraft app. You need to select the ‘Add My iCraft” button in order to add the application to your Facebook page.

You will be taken back to your Business page. Look over to the left hand side of your page – you will now see a ‘My iCraft’ button.

Click on the My iCraft button. The center of your page will change, and new information will appear.
Enter your email, Store name or Store URL, then select Submit. For this demonstration I will pretend to be, hmm, let me think, Adornable Accessories (if that is you – congrats, but don’t worry – I won’t be you forever).

Once you have hit Submit, it will take you back to your main Facebook profile page (one that asks you to fill in all your information).
Look back at the left hand side of your page, and click on the My iCraft icon again.
Ta da!

All of the items currently available in your iCraft store will be available on your page!
Now, to make it stay properly, look at the right side and select Use Facebook as “Necklaces” (or whatever you had selected).

Then click on the My iCraft button again, and the page with your items come back up again.
Now, click on the Profile button at the very top right side. When the page refreshes note the Edit Page button on top right.

Click Edit Page

In the centre of the page will appear several options. You can review them all and make changes as you would like, however for now, please look at the line about 5 down which says “Default Landing Page”. Change your default landing page to “My iCraft” and hit the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Once saved, click on Profile again to return you to the page which highlights your iCraft items (if it doesn’t just select My iCraft again from the left hand column).

Yes, there is a lot of backing and forwarding, however this is the way Facebook works. As time goes by it will become second nature to you.

Spread the word

To let all your friends know, send them your link. Simply copy the (really long) URL from top of page and send it to them in an email. Here is my test page http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Pendants/118045051617934?sk=app_101675349924346

Here is another link for one of the early adopters The Knitting Lady - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Knitted-outfits/151657008239344?sk=app_101675349924346

Have your Facebook friends “Like” your page, so that it will automatically update them if you add more products.
If someone wants to purchase something on your Facebook page, they simply need to click on the picture and it automatically takes them to that page on your iCraft site.

Bugs, glitches

As this is a new app, please keep in mind there may be little bugs which need to be worked out. Facebook has some funny ways of working with Third Party app (such as this) and we are still working with them and working out the kinks.
If you come across something that isn’t working as well as you’d like, please let us know and we will investigate. As soon as we have answer we’ll post it here on the Message Board.

Thanks so much for your understanding and support!
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 02:33:48 am by iCraft Admin »
The Knitting Lady

Posts: 72

« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2011, 11:50:55 pm »

I am new to Facebook. Please like my page with my iCraft store. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Knitted-outfits/151657008239344?sk=app_101675349924346 I think it looks nice.  Cool Thanks!
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 12:11:44 am »

Hi everyone,

Please list your FB links in this thread.
We want to know how many people have added our app already.

Here is one for Petite Tuques - http://www.facebook.com/PetiteTuques?sk=app_101675349924346
Spotted Paw Creations

Posts: 41

« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 01:02:38 pm »

Just added icraft to my fan page here is the link.


Posts: 76

« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 03:08:22 pm »

I just added it to my existing facebook page.
Here is the link

Cheers everyone!

Posts: 151

« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 06:36:41 pm »

Lovely to see them all working so well!

Thanks so much for posting the links.

Posts: 442

« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2011, 05:14:57 pm »

Just did it today! Great instructions.


Posts: 442

« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2011, 10:16:33 am »

I THOUGHT I could not make the landing page my iCraft page. When I go to edit page, it does still say use iCraft as default tab (although I don't have tabs) and I have redone it several times.

BUT, when I logged out THEN checked it, it was there! So if others don't see it after they select default page, then log out and check it.

I love the "like" button on each item!
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