Hello Bootcampers!
Exciting news! The next bootcamp will be April 1st! We are taking a different approach and a different topic than any of the other sessions.
iCraft Sellers' Bootcamp - April 1, 2010
2 weeks / Assignments 3 Days per Week
It is IMPORTANT that you
CONFIRM your participation by MARCH 31 by posting HERE
Session is limited to only 100
You must have at least 5 items listed in your shop to participate
iCraft is the only handmade selling venue that offers professional online seller training for shop owners. You can read about the iCraft Sellers' Bootcamp and Christine's credentials here:
https://icraftgifts.com/sellers_bootcamp.php Christine Skaley (icraftgifts.com/PillowThrowDecor) will be teaching sellers about a most important aspect to selling online - that of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Here is the topic list:
SWAT with Google Analytics
Building your Keyword List (rereplacement and tools)
Power product titles in 68 spaces
Optimizing descriptions with 160 spaces
Tag! You’re it!
Power in Pictures with tags and captions
Optimizing your Bio
Measuring results of SEO
Remember - confirm your participation by March 31 before this session is offered to shop owners site-wide. We expect that this topic will be popular!
Christine (
icraftgifts.com/pillowthrowdecor) and
Linda (