I've scanned a few Creator Exhibits today in replacement of the real good "bad" examples for this post. So here are a few that jumped out at me. I'll try to provide explanation for each of them.
1. Don't target broad, non-descriptive Keywords
Even though you sell Christmas Cards and, according to Google AdWords Keyword Tool, there are about 1,500,00 monthly replacementes for this phrase, don't target it, as it’s too broad.
Go on Google and perform a replacement for this phrase. You'll get something like 75,000,000 results for phrase "Christmas Cards".
http://www.google.ca/replacement?hl=en&source=hp&q=christmas+cards&meta=&rlz=1R2GGLL_enCA351&aq=f&oq=This tells me you have no shot at ranking high for this phrase. Too much competition, so don't even try.
Instead, optimize for relevant, specific keywords that will bring targeted traffic.
Go for low competition with most traffic keywords.
My guess “Santa's reindeers holiday greeting card”, or something like that, would be a better title for this product.
2. Don't use irrelevant KeywordsI am sure there is not much competition for "n36” and “n40”, but there is probably nobody replacementing for those keywords either.

Here are a few more examples:

Do you know how many people replacement for “Daphny Earrings” or “Mika Earrings”?
There are 36 and < 10 Global Monthly replacementes for those 2 key phrases respectively. In other words, nobody is using those phrases when they conduct their replacement. So why would you use them in your Title?
3. Don't use misleading KeywordsThe title for this product says “Birthday Flowers”. The product shown below is not flowers. It’s a card.

Similarly, products shown below are not flowers. They are necklace and earrings.

You might have good page views using wrong keywords, but will have no sales. The reason being is that wrong keywords attract wrong traffic. Even if people click on your link and land on your page, they are looking for flowers, not jewelry. So they’ll click “Back” button, as soon as they realize they’ve made a mistake.
4. Don’t give every product page the same titleAnother problem with the example above is that Google might label those 2 pages as duplicate content. Cloning products is a great time saver, but if your product titles and product descriptions are virtually identical, how would replacement engine differentiate between the two? It can't see images.